Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Opening Night Is A Hit Despite Weather

The weather was horrendous. Forecasters called for sleet. And we got sleet. The freezing rain that continued into the night was not expected though. A bus-load of youth from Covenant House Washington had reserved tickets to attend and they were stuck in two hours of traffic before making it to the play late. The weather was just that bad. That's why we were shocked to even have the 120+ people that showed up the first night. It was fabulous.

(photos of audience members on opening night)

The audience was interactive-- talking aloud to characters-- and enthusiastic, applauding after each scene. The actors had a great time. There were few technical glitches I'm responsible for (poor communication with the tech) but all in all, it was a great first day run! I was so proud.

(photos of actresses in the play Shade of Black: a thought in progress on Feb. 12, 2008)

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Shades of Black graphic by MYSTStudios.com

MYSTStudios.com designed the play's promotional graphics and produced the original music in the play. Visit MYSTStudios.com today!